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- «»
- «»«ac»
- «s6=166,227,181»
- «s7=191,206,254»
- «c2»*** FAMOUS PRODUCTIONS! ***«»
- «»«al»
- «»«as»
- «c7»A new issue of D.I.S.C, and of course something new to introduce. This
- time we've made a «c6»special poll «c7»to check out which «c6»productions «c7»from
- «c6»famous groups «c7»sceners remember. Next time we'll ask about other groups.
- So do fill the D.I.S.C. polls!«»
- «»
- Anyway, this time I asked some well-known «c6»sceners «c7»that have been around
- for a while, which productions they remembered. Thanks for filling the
- sheets! Here are the results:
- (Please note that the numbers have been changed to the nearest procentage,
- to avoid lots 0,84738 etc.). ;)«»
- «al»«»
- «c5»ANDROMEDA:«»
- «as»«»
- «c6»The famous norwegian group Andromeda produced quite many productions from
- their debut in 1989, but most sceners only rememered their winner from
- The Party 4. Very few remembered their winner from The Gathering the same
- year, an no one at all mentioned productions such as Decaying Paradise,
- Suffocation, Surrealism etc.«»
- «ac»«»
- «c7»D.O.S. 21%«»
- Mindriot 14%«»
- Mirror 21%«»
- Nexus 7 49%«»
- Point Blank 14%«»
- Sequential 14%«»
- Seven Seas 14%«»
- «c5»ARTWORK:«»
- «as»«»
- «c6»Artwork is a much newer group being founded at the beginning of 1995
- containing mainly members from Germany I
- think. They had a very active period from 1995 to 1997, but many members
- continued in EndZeit instead. At least in 1998. Anyway, many sceners
- seem to remember their great The Gate demo. However, none remembered their
- last demo. At least it seems like all remember some productions from this group.«»
- «ac»«»
- «»
- «c7»Blurred Notes 7%«»
- Creep 14%«»
- Dawn 21%«»
- Dawn 1x1 7%«»
- Efrafa 21%«»
- Exit Planet Dust 35%«»
- Generation 21%«»
- Greenday 7%«»
- MegaDemo IV 35%«»
- Phi 14%«»
- The Gate 49%«»
- Wave 7%«»
- «»
- «»
- «c5»BOMB:«»
- «as»«»
- «c6»After the French Bomb crew moved to PC it really seems like the sceners
- have forgot about their productions. It's really surprising that so few
- remember their various good demos. Nevertheless, quite many did remember
- Shaft 7.«»
- «ac»«»
- «c7»Casual 7%«»
- Gloom (Game) 7%«»
- Motion 28%«»
- Origin 7%«»
- Real 7%«»
- Shaft 7 42%«»
- State Of The Art (PC demo) 7%«»
- «»
- «»
- «»
- «»
- «c5»C-LOUS:«»
- «as»«»
- «c6»This Swedish team produced quite many small productions during their most
- active period from 1994 to 1996. But I'm afraid that most people have
- forgot about their cool intros.«»
- «ac»«»
- «c7»ASM95 40k Intro 7%«»
- At The Party 7%«»
- Das Omen 21%«»
- Freebased 7%«»
- Instinct 7%«»
- Masque 7%«»
- No Sense 21%«»
- Phong! 7%«»
- Showbase Shape 14%«»
- Suicidal Tendency 7%«»
- Timesquare 7%«»
- «»
- «»
- «c5»CNCD:«»
- «as»«»
- «c6»This exellent crew with many famous sceners from Finland produced quite
- many faboulous productions. Quite many sceners remember their great demos
- Killer Automatique from the Party 7 and Closer from The Party 5. But hardly
- anyone remembered their winner demo Deep from The Gathering 95.«»
- «ac»«»
- «»
- «c7»Closer 35%«»
- Deep 7%«»
- Musical Rabbit 7%«»
- Killer 35%«»
- «»
- «»
- «as»«»
- «c6»It was quite hard to remember many productions from this old group it
- seems. No one remembered their 4 disks musicdisk Sonic Attack for instance,
- or productions such as Flop, Guarana etc. But at least some productions
- were remembered...«»
- «ac»«»
- «c7»2CB 7%«»
- Art Of 4k 7%«»
- Chromagic 7%«»
- Imoan 7%«»
- Information None 7%«»
- Klone 21%«»
- Nebula 28%«»
- NonStop 14%«»
- Phenomenon 14%«»
- «»
- «»
- «c5»EPHIDRENA:«»
- «as»«»
- «c6»I was very surprised that so few people actually remember any productions
- at all from this very popular norwegian group. They've made several good
- 4k intros which are high at the various charts, but still only one 4k was
- mentioned here.«»
- «ac»«»
- «c7»Bier 7%«»
- Concrete 28%«»
- Dodraugremix 7%«»
- Fusion Is My Energy 7%«»
- Janne Ahonen 7%«»
- Omnicrom 7%«»
- Photons 7%«»
- Substral 7%«»
- «c5»ESSENCE:«»
- «as»«»
- «c6»Many EssEnce productions were appreciated and remembered. We still hope
- that members like Touchstone and Mop would make a comeback... Anyway,
- here are the results:«»
- «al»«»
- «c7»Crazy Sexy Cool 28%«»
- Dreaming 7%«»
- Makaveli 35%«»
- Malta Intro 7%«»
- ROM 28%«»
- Thug Life 35%«»
- Virgill Dreams 14%«»
- «»
- «»
- «c5»EXTREME:«»
- «as»«»
- «c6»After releasing one great intro after another, we should think that some
- sceners would remember them. But I'm afraid that only few sceners remember
- productions from this Russian crew... Many great intros weren't even
- mentioned at all.«»
- «ac»«»
- «c7»Dust 7%«»
- Freedom 7%«»
- Gap 7%«»
- Incision 7%«»
- Push 14%«»
- Wish 7%«»
- «»
- «c5»FLOPPY:«»
- «as»«»
- «c6»Floppy or Flopi as they are called nowadays have really been active the
- latest years. Many productions were remembered, but definately not all.
- Their first demo Xtc wasn't mentioned, nor demos such as Kinematic and
- Embraced and not many sceners remembered several productions either.«»
- «ac»«»
- «c7»Datablade 7¼«»
- Deport 14%«»
- Elthiag 7%«»
- Encore 7%«»
- Eraser Head 7%«»
- Fairytale 14%«»
- Murderous 7%«»
- Nadia 7%«»
- Napalm 14%«»
- Paleo 7%«»
- Papadeo 7%«»
- Papadeo II 7%«»
- TuneIn 7%«»
- Untitled 14%«»
- «»
- «»
- «c5»GODS:«»
- «as»«»
- «c6»Quite some Gods productions were mentioned, but not any of the first demos
- and by far all the intros either. The most surprising part however was that
- noone remembered the mag Jurassic Pack!«»
- «ac»«»
- «c7»A Few Good Men 21%«»
- Audiosonic 7%«»
- Chip In Paris 7%«»
- D.I.S.C. 28%«»
- Divine 14%«»
- Energy 14%«»
- Fraction 14%«»
- Jade 7%«»
- Prism 7%«»
- Worlds 14%«»
- Unswerving 7%«»
- «»
- «c5»IMPULSE:«»
- «as»«»
- «c6»The Hungarian crew came up with a few stunning releases, and quite many
- sceners did remember their great Muscles demo!«»
- «ac»«»
- «c7»K642 7%«»
- Kenguru64 14%«»
- Muscles 42%«»
- Yoyage In Storm 21%«»
- «»
- «»
- «c5»LOONIES:«»
- «as»«»
- «c6»This very popular Danish group have released lots of productions since
- the start in 1995. And many sceners also do remember some of their productions.
- However it was a bit surprising that more sceners remember their winning
- Valhalla demo instead of the winning Cybercinematastic for instance.«»
- «ac»«»
- «c7»27+1 7%«»
- Arla 28%«»
- At The Movies 14%«»
- Cybercinematastic 28%«»
- Goatraince 14%«»
- Impossible 14%«»
- Sheep Recognizer 7%«»
- Spor 2 Blå Trappe 7%«»
- SuperDrug 14%«»
- The Morning Trip 28%«»
- Traveller 7%«»
- Valhalla 35%«»
- «c5»MAWI:«»
- «as»«»
- «c6»It was really strange that so few sceners actually remember the various
- Mawi productions. No one remembered productions such Sabotage, Eclipse,
- Radio In Your Eyes, CameoInnerloop, One Spiritual Journey, Excess etc.«»
- «ac»«»
- «c7»Datablade 7%«»
- Excess 14%«»
- Overview 7%«»
- Save Da Vinyl 7%«»
- Visable World 7%«»
- «»
- «»
- «c5»NAH-KOLOR:«»
- «as»«»
- «c6»Many productions were remembered from Nah-Kolor, but far from all.
- And we can't say many remember their great slideshows either...«»
- «ac»«»
- «c7»Blow 7%«»
- Dive 7%«»
- Devotion 7%«»
- Dream Or Reality 7%«»
- Episode 7%«»
- Hardcore 7%«»
- Moments 14%«»
- Prophecy 7%«»
- Touching 14%«»
- Unautorized Lands 7%«»
- Wild 7%«»
- Worms From My Head 7%«»
- «»
- «»
- «c5»NERVE AXIS:«»
- «as»«»
- «c6»This English group has been very popular the latest years. Especially
- productions like Relic, Extravaganja and Pulse are popular.«»
- «ac»«»
- «c7»Demon's Rage 7%«»
- Extravaganja 28%«»
- Pressure 7%«»
- Pulse 21%«»
- Relic 35%«»
- The Scene Press 7%«»
- «c5»POTION:«»
- «as»«»
- «c6»It seems like not many productions from Potion are remembered either.
- But at least their latest sucessful releases are appreciated.«»
- «ac»«»
- «c7»Despair 7%«»
- Gift 21%«»
- Gush 21%«»
- Vertus 14%«»
- «»
- «»
- «c5»SANITY:«»
- «as»«»
- «c6»Sanity have always been popular, and their productions are still
- remembered. This German group ruled for a few years, and has set its marks.
- It was no suprise at all when so many sceners remembered old productions
- such as Arte, WOC and Interference. But not many remembered their latest
- demo... Roots2 (remix of Roots 1).«»
- «ac»«»
- «c7»Arte 49%«»
- Boggledop 14%«»
- Elysium 21%«»
- Hospital Since Friday 7%«»
- Interference 28%«»
- Jesterday 21%«»
- Not Again 7%«»
- Optimum Fuckup 14%«»
- Roots 35%«»
- Roots2 7%«»
- Terminal Fuckup 7%«»
- Turmoil 7%«»
- World Of Commodore 92 28%«»
- «»
- «»
- «c5»SCOOPEX:«»
- «as»«»
- «c6»This popular group led by the Austrian coder Antibyte has ruled the scene
- the latest years, but been a bit silent lately though. Anyway, lots of
- their productions are remembered.«»
- «ac»«»
- «c7»1000% 42%«»
- 5977 21%«»
- Alien 7%«»
- Alien 2 35%«»
- Artcore 14%«»
- Cyberia 7%«»
- Free Your Mind 7%«»
- Gosh 7%«»
- Iso 14%«»
- Mental Hangover 21%«»
- My Kingdom 21%«»
- Performance 7%«»
- Phorce 7%«»
- Scoopex Melodies 7%«»
- SeenPoint 14%«»
- Seven Sins 7%«»
- Superautodrome 1 14%«»
- Superautodrome 2 14%«»
- System crime 7%«»
- The Sign 7%«»
- Torque 7%«»
- Zero Gravity 1 35%«»
- Zero Gravity 2 28%«»
- Zero Gravity 3 28%«»
- «»
- «»
- «as»«»
- «c6»Sonik Clique made some fabolous intros, and I think most of them are
- mentioned here. Especially their winner intro from The Assembly 96 is
- being mentioned by many...«»
- «al»«»
- «ac»«c7»Assembly96 Invitation 7%«»
- Blur 28%«»
- Extacy 7%«»
- Fad 28%«»
- Pure 35%«»
- Red Eye 14%«»
- Uninvited 7%«»
- «»
- «»
- «as»«»
- «c6»The famous norwegian group Spaceballs was very popular 5 years ago, but
- still its winning one competition after another. Quite a few productions
- were remembered, especially State Of The Art is very popular. But I'm
- afraid most of the latest productions are already forgotten and some of
- their famous old productions weren't remembered either...«»
- «ac»«»
- «c7»9 Fingers 28%«»
- EC40 Intro 7%«»
- Funky Pixels 7%«»
- Fusion Is No Good For Me 7%«»
- Jobbo64k (Wormshole) 7%«»
- Last Finger 7%«»
- Mobile 7%«»
- Popjunkie 7%«»
- RAW 14%«»
- Sparkling Blue Arctic Light7%«»
- Spasmolytic 7%«»
- State Of The Art 56%«»
- Supermonster 7%«»
- Wayfarer 7%«»
- «as»«»
- «c6»This great Swedish team have made a bunch of very memorable productions.
- It seems like the new productions aren't really appreciated, but many do
- remember their productions from 1996-97.«»
- «ac»«»
- «c7»Captured Dreams 35%«»
- Darkside 21%«»
- Eq4k 7%«»
- Glow 28%«»
- Goa 35%«»
- Imitation None 14%«»
- Mindprobe 14%«»
- Mind The Carrot 1 21%«»
- Mind The Carrot 2 21%«»
- Misery 7%«»
- Panacea 14%«»
- Que 14%«»
- Rain 14%«»
- Senseless 7%«»
- Spectral 21%«»
- Tint 49%«»
- Tractorbeam 7%«»
- «»
- «»
- «as»«»
- «c6»This crew had a few productions which were popular when they got released.
- I'm also quite surprised that so many sceners still remember their demo
- Passengers!«»
- «ac»«»
- «c7»Happy Christmas 7%«»
- Passengers 49%«»
- Second Chance 7%«»
- The Tale 7%«»
- The Tribe 35%«»
- «»
- «»
- «c5»TRSI:«»
- «as»«»
- «c6»This legendary German based crew which was created by the melting of
- Red Sector Inc. and Tristar, has made lots of productions during all
- these years. Nevertheless, it seems like the sceners don't remember them.
- Some mention they do remember lots of cracktros though. Anyway, it was
- very surprising that so few mentioned the popular demo Rise. Perhaps
- some of the explanation can be that it was done by the subgroup Mellow
- Chips?«»
- «ac»«»
- «c7»Anhalonium Lewini 7%«»
- Cyberlogic 7%«»
- Egliptiga 7%«»
- HoneyComb 7%«»
- Misery 14%«»
- No Pain No Gain 7%«»
- Rise 21%«»
- RSI Megedemo 7%«»
- Twinpeaks 7%«»
- Viktoria 7%«»
- Wicked Sensation 14%«»
- «»
- «»
- «as»«»
- «c6»This crew had lots of genious coders from Finland, and came up with quite
- many quality productions. And it seems like the sceners at least remember
- the most succesful demos.«»
- «ac»«»
- «c7»242 28%«»
- Breathtaker 28%«»
- ChaosLand 7%«»
- Doodle-Doo 14%«»
- Faktory 42%«»
- Full Moon 21%«»
- Love 28%«»
- Nagual 7%«»
- Psychedelic 42%«»
- Sumea 35%«»
- Trance124 7%«»
- Winner2 7%«»
- «as»«»
- «c5»As a conclusion, the most famous productions are:«»
- «al»
- «c7»56% State Of The Art - «c6»Spaceballs«»
- «c7»49% Arte - «c6»Sanity«»
- «c7»49% Nexus 7 - «c6»Andromeda«»
- «c7»49% Passengers - «c6»Three Little Elks«»
- «c7»49% The Gate - «c6»Artwork«»
- «c7»49% Tint - «c6»TBL«»
- «c7»42% 1000% - «c6»Scoopex«»
- «c7»42% Faktory - «c6»Virtual Dreams«»
- «c7»42% Muscles - «c6»Impulse«»
- «c7»42% Psychedelic - «c6»Virtual Dreams«»
- «c7»42% Shaft 7 - «c6»Bomb«»
- «as»«»
- «c7»So if you haven't even seen these productions, you should! Nothing is
- more fun than a «c6»demo-mania!«»
- «»
- «c7»Until next time, don't forget to fill the new «c6»polls «c7»with other groups
- and productions!«»
- «»
- «»
- «»
- «e»